12 Surprising Facts About Botox You Didn’t Know
A popular cosmetic treatment that relaxes the facial muscles to smooth and tighten the skin, Botox procedures are carried out over seven million times a year in the USA alone. In this article, we’ll talk about the image of 12 Things You Didn’t Know About Botox in details.
Whether you’re considering having a Botox treatment for the first time or you’re a seasoned Botox pro, here are 12 surprising facts about Botox that most people don’t know.
Botox Was Discovered Accidentally
Ever wondered who actually invented Botox?
Turns out, it was discovered purely by chance…
It happened way back in the 1820’s, when a number of Germans ended up with food poisoning after eating some blood sausage. A scientist named Justinus Kerner studied these cases to try and pinpoint exactly what was causing the food poisoning, and discovered a toxin called “botulism”.
Bacteria produces this toxin, which later started being offered as a tratamiento under the brand name of Botox.
It wasn’t until much later in 2002 that the FDA officially approved Botox as a safe and regulated cosmetic treatment.
Botox Can Treat Migraines

If you suffer from chronic migraines, then this is something that you’ll be very interested to read…
While Botox is most commonly sought after as a cosmetic treatment, it was approved in 2010 as a treatment for chronic migraines.
Wondering how this actually works?
En Botox is injected into seven specific areas around the head:
- The bridge of the nose
- En forehead
- The temples
- The back of the head
- The neck
- The upper back
There are usually around 31 inyecciones given in total, and these need to be maintained every three months.
This may sound like a lot, but it only takes acerca de four weeks for patients to notice improvements in their migraines – something that can truly be life-changing for many.
Botox Can Be Used to Treat Excessive Sweating
Sweating is an important bodily function, allowing the body to cool down when needed. Most people only sweat when they get too hot, but, for some, the sweating is uncontrollable.
Excessive sweating is officially known as hyperhidrosis. It can be caused by medications or underlying medical conditions, but sometimes happens for no reason at all. It affects about 3% of people in the USA, which is a relatively large number for a condition that many don’t know about.
Either way, those who deal with excessive sweating understand just how frustrating it is, not to mention embarrassing at times. Loose-fitting clothing is one way to deal with the problem, but this isn’t an ideal long-term solution.
This is where Botox comes in…
En Botox is injected into overactive sweat glands, it blocks the nerve signals that stimulate the excessive production of sweat.
En tratamiento is most successful when excessive sweating occurs in one specific part of the body, such as the underarms. However, it can be used in multiple areas too. Of course, if it is your hands or feet that excessively sweat, then you may end up finding the injections a little too painful, simply because there are a greater number of nerve endings in these parts of the body.
It only takes about five days for patients to experience a reduction in sweat, with full results being visible after just two weeks.
After this, you’ll need to book yourself in for more treatments every six months or so, although you’ll be able to space them out more over time.
More and More Men are Turning to Botox

Botox used to be a tratamiento that was favored by women. But, as with everything else in life, times are changing, and now more men than ever are opting for the procedure.
What exactly has caused this change?
Well, white-collar professionals are a growing male Botox market – having a smoother and firmer face helps to give them an edge in the business world. However, many men also opt for the procedure after much convincing from their female partners. Then, once they see the results for themselves, they’re hooked.
It doesn’t take long for that man to start spreading the word, making it no surprise that Botox is gaining a large male audience.
Botox Slowly Trains Your Muscles
One thing that puts many people off Botox is the fact that the results last for about three to four months. This is actually pretty good considering how non-invasive the treatment is, but it does mean that you will need regular injections throughout the year to mantener tus resultados.
However, the frequency of those touch-up treatments will actually decline over time…
It all comes down to the way in which Botox relaxes your cara muscles. The more that it does this, the more your muscles will naturally stay relaxed.
Many patients find that, over time, they end up going much longer in between Botox tratamientos.
Botox is one of the Safest Cosmetic Treatments Out There
Let’s face it, in this day and age, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of different cosmetic treatments to choose from. Many sound almost too good to be true, and that’s because they usually are.
When it comes to procedimientos cosméticos, safety is key. Any mishaps could lead to permanent damage, which is why you should only opt for procedures that have undergone extensive research and trials.
As it so happens, Botox meets those criteria.
It has undergone an extensive amount of testing, both laboratory and clinical, with a large number of studies backing up both its safety and efficacy.
When it comes to procedimientos cosméticos, it really doesn’t get much safer.
Botox Can Be Used to Treat Chronic Pain

Botox may be renowned for its uses in the cosmetic world, but those suffering from chronic pain can really benefit from Botox too.
Well, when Botox is injected into specific muscles, it is able to block certain nerve signals that are responsible for muscle activity. This then prevents uncontrolled muscle contractions, which finally relaxes chronically tight muscles.
The injections are administered directly into the muscles that are causing the pain, with the most common being:
- The neck
- The back
- Arthritis anywhere on the body
- Tension headaches
This may seem like an unconventional way to deal with chronic pain. However, many suffer debilitating side effects from oral medications, making this the much more effective pain management option.
A Botox Procedure Only Takes 10 Minutes
There’s a reason why Botox is often referred to as a “lunchtime treatment”…
It really does only take ten minutes to carry out!
Granted, your first session may take a little longer. Here at the Plantation Med Spa, our physicians like to perform a facial analysis when they first begin working with a new patient. This allows them to fully understand your goals, while narrowing down the best treatment areas to help you to achieve the exact results that you are looking for.
However, repeat procedures are super-quick, making them convenient for everyone.
Botox Can Help to Treat Depression
Depression is believed to affect 3.4% of the world’s population. This is a shocking figure, but it’s likely that you or someone you’re close to has experienced the condition.
When it comes to treating depression, there are many options out there. A variety of different therapies are usually used, and Botox can actually help to bring about results faster.
It’s not fully understood yet. The studies carried out have seen participants being injected with Botox into their frown lines. This then prevents them from frowning quite so deeply, which is something that they would normally do when experiencing negative emotions. That frown would have then sent signals back to the brain, exacerbating the negative feelings even more.
By preventing that frown from taking place, Botox causes the cara muscles to send neutral, or even positive, signals to the brain. According to the cara feedback hypothesis, facial expressions can directly influence mood, meaning that blocking that frown will make you feel a whole lot better.
One other interesting thing to note…
Although the effects of Botox usually last for about three to four months, whether you’re using it cosmetically or to treat some sort of pain, the mental salud benefits tend to go on for much longer than this.
Botox Can Treat a Gummy Smile

Everyone’s smile is hermoso in its own way, but there’s no denying that society has its own ideas of ideal beauty. When it comes to the smile, this means about 2mm of upper gum tissue being visible.
However, some people end up showing at least 3mm of upper gum when smiling. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it does end up giving some people confidence issues. They feel self-conscious about their smile, and will soon try to smile as little as possible. As you can imagine, this isn’t great for mental salud or self-esteem!
So, how can Botox help?
The injections are administered into the upper lip. This then relaxes those muscles, which prevents them from rising up quite so high the next time you smile. This is enhanced by a couple more injections placed between the nose and the upper lip, giving you the smile of your dreams.
Again, just like all other cosmetic Botox treatmentsEl results last for about three to four months. However, over time, you won’t need quite as many top-up treatments. Those lip muscles will soon naturally weaken and remain lax.
Botox Can Soften the Jawline
While a strong and harsh jawline is considered an attractive feature on men, women who have this trait often find themselves wishing that their jaw structure was softer and more feminine.
You wouldn’t think that your face shape is something that could be changed easily, but, when it comes to softening the jawline, Botox can help.
How does it work?
The injections are administered into the masseter muscles. These are the muscles that sit on either side of the jaw. With the Botox blocking nerve signals, the muscles then loosen and relax, which, in turn, softens the jawline.
Micro-Botox is the Latest Celebrity Botox Trend
Celebrities have been a huge fan of Botox over the years, and many are now touting the benefits of micro-Botox.
Not heard of this before?
It’s a relatively new trend that involves injecting very small, multiple doses of Botox into the skin. Rather than having such a noticeable effect, the results are much more subtle. This is largely due to the fact that the injections are not inserted quite so deeply into the piel, giving them just a minimal effect on muscle activity.
However, there’s no exact science to this – every doctor will have their own version of micro-Botox. As always, make sure that you do your research first.
If the unnatural look is something that’s worrying you about Botox, micro-Botox isn’t necessarily the right answer. Instead, you just need to find a professional dermatologist who really knows their stuff.
They may recommend micro-Botox, or they may recommend regular Botox but in very strategic spots and injected with a very skilled hand – that’s what you need for a flawless finish.
12 Things You Didn’t Know About Botox
Botox really is a truly incredible drug. Many may think that it is purely a cosmetic treatment, but its benefits go so much deeper than that. From treating chronic pain to alleviating depression, it’s no surprise that Botox continues to be the most popular cosmetic procedure out there.
If Botox is something that you’re considering and would like to know more about, feel free to get in touch with our licensed professionals at the Plantation Med Spa. Botox is one of the treatments that we offer, with customized programs to ensure that you get the exact results you’re looking for.
Hopefully, we have cover the 12 Things You Didn’t Know About Botox.
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